ftp / chmod ?

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ftp / chmod ?

Post by matthiasR » Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:16 pm


i need to change the accessright on a ftp server with chmod. Can this be done by MacroScheduler?


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Post by JRL » Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:57 pm

Assuming you're going to telnet into the server, you can use the Send Character/Text (abbreviated send) function to enter any unix commands that you would otherwise type at the unix command line. I would put a healthy "wait" between each "send" to make sure the command was executed. And you must also use "press Enter" after each "send" to execute the command.

For example:

//do something
Set Focus>Telnet*
send>chmod 554 /home/users/myname/myfile
Press Enter
//do something else

You could also use MS to do the login portion of the telnet using the "Run Program" function to start telnet then use "send" and "press enter" to enter the username and password.

Hope this helps,

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Post by matthiasR » Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:06 pm

thanks. But this will not work, as i have no telnet access to the server.

I have just ftp-access. )With a FTP-program like WSFTP pro i can change the attributes. )

But i have to change it by script.


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Post by JRL » Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:21 pm

Sorry, I'm not familiar with the program you mention. My experience with FTP is mostly using the command line and I'm not aware of being able to use chmod in a command line within FTP.

Maybe someone else will have a solution for you.


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Post by support » Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:29 pm

Create a text file that looks like this:

cd /put/path/here/if/required/
quote SITE chmod 755 flename

Save this file somewhere. For this example we'll call it chmod.ftp

Now in Macro Scheduler do this:

Run>ftp -s:c:\path\chmod.ftp someserver.com

Replace someserver.com with the server name or IP address you are connecting to. Change path to reflect the path you saved chmod.ftp to. Modify the ftp command file as required.
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Post by JRL » Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:30 pm

OK, another thought. Can you use Internet Explorer to access your FTP server? If you can, if you right click on a file and go to "Properties" on the popup menu, does it give you a permissions window? If this all works then this could be automated through MS using appropriate mouse clicks and/or keystrokes. Perhaps this is even similar to your FTP software?


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Post by matthiasR » Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:00 pm

Thanks to both of you.

I tried it, like support suggested. And it works :-)

Thank you very much.


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