MJT Net Ltd is a private company that created Macro Scheduler, an automation and scripting solution for Microsoft Windows. We first released the software way back in 1997. It continues to grow and set the standard.

Our aim is to provide advanced yet easy to use Windows automation solutions that can automate anything humans can do in Windows. As a strong customer-focused company, we listen intently to what our customers tell us. Macro Scheduler wouldn't be the product it is today without our clients' invaluable feedback.

Our Story

While working in a busy IT department in 1996, MJT Net Ltd Founder and CEO Marcus Tettmar developed small custom programs. These programs automated various repetitive and time consuming network and administrative tasks that were often forgotten. It became clear that companies needed a generic automation tool to automate any task without constantly reinventing the wheel.

A year later, Marcus released Macro Scheduler v1 and formed MJT Net Ltd. Macro Scheduler is now a mature product — with a huge, loyal worldwide customer-base — that continues to evolve and lead the way in Windows Automation.

Our Products

Macro Scheduler is a remarkable product with capabilities limited only by the imaginations of those who use it. Our products are created and developed by people who love technology and are focused on delivering exciting, cutting-edge solutions.

We continue to offer innovative new features that our competitors often copy a few months later. For example, we were first with advanced technologies like screen image recognition and screen text capture.

Unlike most of our competitors, we do not offshore development or support. We develop all our software in the UK and the USA. When you need help, rest assured you will speak directly to a developer who fully understands the product.

Our Customers

We're grateful for our customers' interest and loyalty to our products and services. Our team is dedicated to customer service. We listen to the users of our software, whether they need help writing a script, or they call to discuss a new feature request.

Our small team allows us to adapt our products and quickly add new features to meet our customers' needs. Our focus on our customers and continuous improvement of our products makes it possible for us to remain one step ahead and react fast to changing requirements.

Drop us a line ...

We're always keen to hear about your experiences with Macro Scheduler and your views on Windows Automation in general. Feel free to contact us at any time.


MJT Net Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company registration No. 3420566. Company Registered Address: 7 OMC, DT11 8TW, UK. VAT Registration No. 708820042.

The Team

Marcus Tettmar, founder and CEO of MJT Net Ltd, has been developing software since the late ‘80s. Marcus still does a lot of the coding and enjoys communicating with customers. He plays guitar in Jamarca, a three-piece band. In between rocking and coding, he enjoys the country life with dogs and chickens. When you email us, you may just hear from the man himself.

Dorian Ellis heads our customer services. Having been a customer and long-time user of Macro Scheduler, Dorian Ellis joined the team in 2012. Dorian says, "I had always considered MJT customer support to be the best in the industry. Macro Scheduler was not only an incredibly powerful and flexible suite of tools, but also driven by people who actually enjoy helping, and take pride in that. Being part of that team is immensely rewarding."

In case I forget to mention it I think this program is simply brilliant
Thomas Farrell, QualifaX Data Collection, Ireland