PowerPoint presentations

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PowerPoint presentations

Post by berlui » Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:52 am

my name is Luigi and this is first time that I use MacroScheduler.
I need to run some p.point presenbtations (pps files) that I have to read from one folder, and when the first finsh I have to start the second and so on.
My problem is that the p.point do not close presentation it self but require to press esc key, before that I have a black slide.
Because I don't know how many slides are in pps and how many time is for each slide, I can't use the comand WAIT>xx followed by PRESS ESC.

My problem is to intercept the end of presentation
Can some one help me?

Thank in advance

Be patient for my english ;-)

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Post by JRL » Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:54 pm


Try something like this:

Press ESC

This will loop continuously. To stop it you will have to press Shift + Esc.

Make sure the SetFocus line is set to the name of your window I'm guessing that it is "PowerPoint"

The GetPixelColor command checks the color of the screen at a given location. I arbitrarily selected x=200 and y=200. Make sure that the location you select is not black on any screen except your last one.

One last item, pixel color "0" is black. You said your last screen is black but it might appear black and not truely be black. You can check the real color of the screen by following these instructions from the help file:

"To determine the correct colour code to use, click the drop down menu button next to the cursor position monitor on the macro properties form. From the drop down menu select 'Pixel Color' and the pixel colour of the current mouse cursor position will be added to the display along with the X and Y coordinates. Now you can determine the correct colour code of any pixel on the screen. "

You might also try the Command WaitPixelColor. Look it up to see how it's used.

Hope this was helpful

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