Execute Chrome in incognito window

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Execute Chrome in incognito window

Post by jpf1281 » Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:38 pm

I tried searching for this but did not find an answer. I am trying to run an automation that will log into a particular site that uses captcha. I have an extension to bypass this, however when running on a normal chrome window the site still flags the captcha as being submitted by an automation and denies access. Is there a way to use the Execute command and have it automatically open in an incognito window so that this won't flag as being automated? I am closing chrome and opening a new session each time this automation loops.

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Re: Execute Chrome in incognito window

Post by jonathangoss » Wed Oct 09, 2024 12:50 pm

This should do what you need. Hope it helps. thanks. Jon

//Set IGNORESPACES to 1 to force script interpreter to ignore spaces.
//If using IGNORESPACES quote strings in {" ... "}
//C:\Users\jonagoss\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\
Let>CHROMEDRIVER_OPTIONS=--incognito, --user-data-
//Note the alternative use of forward slash to map to this path
dir=C:/Users/jonagoss/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/

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