Writing Variable to Textbox in External Program

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Writing Variable to Textbox in External Program

Post by CGooley » Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:13 pm

Separate>filename, ,identifier

Hello, I have a filename that I have separated, but I cannot figure out how to pass the variables containing the separated parts to an external textbox. I tried;


and also attempted copying the variable to the clipboard and pasting it. however, it appears that the variable name is copied instead. Thanks!

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Re: Writing Variable to Textbox in External Program

Post by JRL » Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:23 pm

CGooley wrote:however, it appears that the variable name is copied instead. Thanks!
Which means the variable is not assigned a value which means the Separate function did not Separate anything which could mean there is no value for variable "filename" or could mean there were no spaces(?) in the value of variable "filename".

Learn to use the editor. It is absolutely the best tool you have. Place the cursor at the top line of your script and press F8. As each variable achieves a value those values will display in the WatchList in the left hand panel of the editor. Or, if there are many lines or perhaps a long lasting loop which makes it time consuming to Press F8 repeatedly, place a **BREAKPOINT** on the line just beyond where you want to view the variable values then press the F9 key. Every variable value from the top of the script through to where you place the **BREAKPOINT** will be displayed in the WatchList.

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