I want to use DBQuery to create a recordset for further processing from a MS-SQL table with 5 columns and around 650,000 up to 1.500.000 rows, but it runs each time out of memory. Running the query will allocate around 1.3 up to 1.8 GB of Memory until it stops executing. With other processes running on the machine it exceeds the 3.6 GB for 32bit applications.
When I export the data from the beneeth query into a CSV file it requires only 40MB of HD space.
Im using MS 14.5.2 and running the script on a Windows 8.1 x64 with 8GB of RAM.
Here is the code I'm using:
Any suggestions or will there possibly be a 64bit version of MacroSheduler in the future available?Let>connstr=Driver={SQL Server}; Server=%strSrvName%; Database=%strDatabase%;
# ...Some processing here...
Thanks in advance for your answers.