Problem with semicolon in result FindObject

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Problem with semicolon in result FindObject

Post by wil » Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:55 pm


In Notepad's editor i have the following text: test1;test2

I am using the following code to get the text from Notepad's editor:

Code: Select all

//Get the text from Notepad's editor:
GetWindowHandle>Untitled - Notepad,hWnd
The result is test1. I expected: test1;test2.
Any ideas?

thnx, wil

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Re: Problem with semicolon in result FindObject

Post by JRL » Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:20 pm

For the record. I get the same result you are getting. Have no idea why the semicolon cuts off the rest of the text.

If you want to know the answer you'll need to get a response from Marcus. If you just want something that works, I usually use GetControlText>.

Code: Select all

//Get the text from Notepad's editor:
GetControlText>Untitled - Notepad,Edit,1,result

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Re: Problem with semicolon in result FindObject

Post by wil » Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:01 pm

Thnx, JRL. GetControlText is a nice workaround for this situation. And yes i am curious what Marcus has to say about this.


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