How do I do this? Not yet in the online MacroScheduler docs. Those have really helped.
the debugger of course shows the value for CO_ID_string. after the input screen pops up and I enter a valuelet>string_part1 = DECLARE @RC int DECLARE @CO_NUMB varchar (15) SET @CO_NUMB = '
Input>CO_ID_string,Enter the CO_ID,
let>string_part2 = ' EXECUTE @RC = dbo.SP_KIC_CO_Entry_USER_9 @CO_NUMB
I'm using the concatenation as a workaround
I'm using concatenation to "build" a SQL query because I failed to use the input box string variable directly.
Input>CO_ID_string,Enter the CO_ID,
then use the CO_ID_string value into the SQL code using the SET Command.
This "works": look at the SET...
let>SQL=DECLARE @RC int DECLARE @CO_NUMB varchar (15) SET @CO_NUMB = '147113' EXECUTE @RC = dbo.SP_KIC_CO_Entry_USER_9 @CO_NUMB
This Doesn't Work: SET @CO_NUMB probably goes in as 'CO_ID_String' instead of the string's value.
Do you have an idea about how to SET @CO_NUMB (variable being passed to a stored procedure) to the value input from a user input box?let>SQL=DECLARE @RC int DECLARE @CO_NUMB varchar (15) SET @CO_NUMB = 'CO_ID_string' EXECUTE @RC = dbo.SP_KIC_CO_Entry_USER_9 @CO_NUMB
Both answers are appreciated. If I don't concatenate now I know I will later. Many thanks.