Disk or network error

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Disk or network error

Post by jsmyong55 » Mon Dec 30, 2013 1:58 am

Hi guys

I am experiencing a random error in the midst of running a macro. I get a message box prompt saying "Line 192- Disk or network error". I click OK, and the macro continues as normal. What could cause such an error?

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Post by JRL » Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:13 pm

What could cause such an error?
Disk or network problems.

Seeing some code might be helpful. If nothing else, what's on line 192?

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Post by jsmyong55 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:42 am

Disk or network problems.

Seeing some code might be helpful. If nothing else, what's on line 192?
Its a db query.
Line 191: Let>SQL=SELECT number, type, date, time FROM STAFFIO where station 'D' AND number '' AND Date IS NOT NULL AND Time dbID,SQL,ResultData,NoRowCount,NoFieldCount,1

The error usually comes in a message box with the Title "Information". The message is POS.exe Disk or Network Error with the buttons OK and Abort.

How should I write an exception for this error? Can I just write a trigger so that when a message box with the title Information occurs, to automatically click OK?

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Post by JRL » Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:03 pm

Oh yeah... that error.

I have a script that retrieves information from 110 email accounts via telnet. There are occasionally hiccups and I get that "Information" window with a slightly different message. I think it says "No Connection". My solution was to compile the script and run it outside of Macro Scheduler then compile and run a second script that waits for the "Information" window and clicks the window's "Ok" button if it appears. The computer performing this isn't doing anything else so that solution works for me. I wonder if Macro Scheduler's internal error handling might be a better solution. Look Here for error handling tips.

I could set up my telnet script to test error handling on this "Information" window but the problem seldom occurs. It could be weeks before I knew the answer.

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