Is there an MS Recorder Code Line Limit?

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Is there an MS Recorder Code Line Limit?

Post by geebee37 » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:52 pm

For about two years I've been using the demo version of Opus Imacro to automate input into a stock screener on a stock broker's website to gather data each week in order to keep about 150 Excel stock valuation models up to date. The stock screener will only accept 20 queries at a time, and I need 29, so I have been collecting the data in one batch of 15 parameters and one of 14.

That system worked just fine until I tried to transfer it from my old computer running XP to a new computer running W7. The Imacro just refuses to work at all with M7 no matter how I fiddle with its settings.

I used MS recorder to produce a macro to collect just two or three parameters on a tral basis and it appeared to work just fine. So I bought it.

However, when I use MS recorder to produce code to retrieve a batch of 15 parameters and run it I find that six parameters is the most MS can input to the screener before the MS program hangs because it runs off the end of the recorded code at about line 165. The rest just doesn't get recorded.

The inputs to the stock screener during the recording process produced the usual download from the website, but running the truncated MS macro does not.

Is the MS recorder limited to only about 165 lines of code at one go? I need it to record about 300 lines of code. Do I have to record the required code in two or three goes and paste them together?

Or is there something obvious I'm overlooking?

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:49 am


By "MS recorder" are you talking about Macro Scheduler's key/mouse recorder, or WebRecorder?

Either way: there are no limits whatsoever to the length of recorded macros (beyond available disk space of course).

But I'm not sure why you would record more than one entry. Surely the steps are the same each time. The only difference each time would be the data?

So personally I would record one input and then edit the script, put a loop around it, and parameterise the data (i.e. replace the literals with variables).

Recorded macros are great for quick and dirty macros and for getting started but are innefficient for longer/repetitive processes. You should be able to modify the recorded code for one batch to make it reusable. Or better would be to write it from scratch - and if this is for a web site - you can record chunks of it with WebRecorder.
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