Holy Cow!

Anything Really. Just keep it clean!

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Holy Cow!

Post by Monkster » Sat Jun 15, 2013 5:28 am

Way back when I let my license to Macro Scheduler version 7 updates end.

Then it became a professional necessity to renew my license and I kept with it through version 10. Talk about a sheetload [sic] of updates to the program between 7 and 10! What kind of dummy would let his upgrade license lapse with the efforts that were being put into the program? Well, me. :oops:

After a few years of retirement and some boredom, I felt the need to upgrade my PC to a new and improved box. Holy smokes, multiple cores and this that and the other thing that make Firefox load in about a a fraction of a second...What am I going to do with all of the extra time on my hands with all of my programs loading so quickly? Hmm...Why not take another look at Macro Scheduler?

So I did. I took another look at Macro Scheduler and quite honestly I am completely blown away, once again, with the progress this once, kick butt, program has made. It now kicks butt at least a hundred times over!

While I am no longer in the working world, there are still a zillion things that I can automate on my home computer, that without Macro Scheduler I don't think that I could.

With all of the improvements to Macro Scheduler 14 I feel re-invigorated, having a need to use every single one of those improvements, some way, some how! It is so much better than it was when I last used version 10 which I never thought could get better...kind of like when I last used version 7 and thought that it could never get any better.

Macro Scheduler really stands out as one of those programs, to which there are a very few, that has survived the test of time and has only gotten better--even when that seemed to be an impossible thing to do!

Many Kudos to Marcus and the Macro Scheduler Crew!
Monkster -- Once again addicted and off the wagon, Macro Scheduler user!
Best Wishes,

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Post by PepsiHog » Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:44 pm

@ Monkster,

WOW! That is a great story! I enjoyed reading that. And you told it very well.

I completely have to agree with you. MS is just simply awesome!

Remember, if you need help there are many great users here that will help. Just post.

Welcome Back.

>not a staff member, just love MS like you do. And I love your story!
Windows 7

PepsiHog. Yep! I drink LOTS of Pepsi (still..in 2024) AND enjoy programming. (That's my little piece of heaven!)

The immensity of the scope of possibilities within Macro Scheduler pushes the user beyond just macros!

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Dorian (MJT support)
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Post by Dorian (MJT support) » Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:14 pm

Hi Monkster,

I can absolutely identify with that - I stopped using it very much while I went off to be a stay at some dad. When I returned I was in awe of all the improvements and additions.

Ever since I bought my first Macro Scheduler license way back in 1998, I've considered it to be the best money I ever spent on any software - period. The number of hours it saved me on a daily basis was just ridiculous.

I was literally packing 40 hours of manual tasks into a couple of hours of macros running, every day. Just incredible.

Since October 2012 I have been part of the team I'd admired for 14 years, and I must say it's an absolute honor and I feel proud every time I think about it. I get a buzz each and every time I help someone learn something, or tell someone about a command they didn't know about, so much so that I look forward to my shift. :D

I often find new commands that escaped my notice - sometimes I read through the command reference just for fun.

Anyway, thanks for coming back, and welcome!
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