How to set Directory Path

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How to set Directory Path

Post by MikeSr » Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:27 pm

Using the "Press" and "Send" commands I get the File save as to open.
I would like to change the directory path here without using mouse clicks, and I don't see any key shortcuts at this point.
I have tried the "Change directory"command but apperantly not using it correctly.
Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Post by djs » Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:47 pm

I'm not sure what program you are trying to do a save as on, but generally, pressing F12 will give you the save as dialog. Much easier than using various keystrokes.

For the directory, just type it in. So if I wanted to save a file called 'myfile.txt' into c:\somedirectory, I would name the file:

and it would be in the directory I want.


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Post by djs » Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:48 pm

I should have added, if you are using something like Word, F-12, then Alt-N will put you into the file name box to type in the file directory and name.

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