Is this possible? Reading Clipboard, sending text, etc.

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Is this possible? Reading Clipboard, sending text, etc.

Post by probbins » Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:27 pm

What I'm attempting to do is this...

1. I have a list of account numbers that I need to enter into a specific text box.

2. After, entering the account number, additional code will then be performed here. For clarification sake I'll call this step CODE-2. It'll be the same repetitive mouse clicks, identify screen images, etc.

3. Once CODE-2 finishes, I then need to enter the next account number into the same text box as stated in step 1. Once again perform CODE-2 and repeat this process until every account number has been entered.

To simplify, I need to:
1. Enter account number in text box.
2. Perform CODE-2.
3. Repeat: Enter next account number and perform CODE-2 until all account numbers have been entered.

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Phil Pendlebury
Automation Wizard
Posts: 543
Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:00 am

Post by Phil Pendlebury » Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:29 pm

Short Answer:

Yes, totally possible that is exactly what Macro Scheduler is built for.

Longer Answer:

You don't show any example of the forms or data etc. So it is difficult to help you get any further with this.

You don't mention if you are planning to write the script yourself or if you have actually already got Macro Scheduler. Depending upon your programming / coding ability you may need to book someone to write a script for you.

But from what you mention in the short description above Yes MS is the tool for you to do this job.
Phil Pendlebury - Linktree

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