WebRecorder auto-generated commands

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WebRecorder auto-generated commands

Post by RGluck » Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:51 pm

When recording a script using WebRecorder, I see the following commands which are generated by WebRecorder:


I could not find references to any of these in the Help file or the manual.

The first one, I assume, fires up IE, and the second one navigates to the selected website.

What is the ",r" suffix on the second command do?

What is the third command waiting for, and, again, what is the ",r" suffix?
Bob Gluck

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Post by adroege » Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:00 pm

WebRecorder has it's own help file.

On my system I can go to START -> All Programs -> WebRecorder -> WebRecorder Help.

The parameter r is the return code of the function. Returns 0 if successful, 1 if an error occurred.

IE_Wait - Waits for the specified browser instance to no longer be busy.

Since it takes time for the browser to load URL's, and submit forms, etc, the IE_Wait is a pretty reliable method to determine when it has completely finished the task you have given it, and it's ready to perform the next task.

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Post by RGluck » Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:40 pm

Thank you!

I found that while my script runs just fine, when I compile it and run it, my browser doesn't even open. I added an ExecuteFile> command to the top of the script and compiled again; now the browser opens, but I get "DLL" errors in all the other functions (FormFill, etc). that WebRecorder added.

Any suggestions as to where I can start looking?
Bob Gluck

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Post by adroege » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:44 am

I believe if using WebRecorder that the IEAuto.dll file needs to be accessible to the compiled macro. I haven't tested this but I would try putting the DLL in the same folder as the compiled EXE.

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Post by RGluck » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:50 am

Thanks. I tried that and got the same result. I also tried including the LibLoad>IEAuto.DLL, hIE command in the script before compiling (even though, according to the WebRecorder Help doc, I shouldn't need it with version 12), but that also didn't work.

I will try getting a very simple script together tomorrow that just opens the browser and see what happens.
Bob Gluck

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Post by adroege » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:52 am

I found this as posted by the creator of Macro Scheduler
The EXE needs the runtime (IEAuto.DLL). Since you've used the Imports method you need a folder called Imports beneath the EXE containing both IEAuto.INI and IEAuto.DLL. Copy these from the Imports folder beneath Macro Scheduler.

If you recreate it using the LibFunc method then only the DLL is required and can be either in the path or in the same folder as the EXE.

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Post by RGluck » Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:58 pm

That did it! Thanks.
Bob Gluck

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