I am scraping several screens from an application and writing it to a text file. The file is essentially a tab delimited file. I figured it would be easier to work with if i replaced all of the tabs with commas, but I can't get it to work. This shows each row and replaces the tab with a '`', but it errors when i try a comma. Is there a way to do this?
Code: Select all
StringReplace>string, ,`,vbEscapedString
Below is an example of one of the thousands of rows of text. I would like to grab the last four letters of WAKLEY, the first three letters of JESSE, the M, AND the whole DATE. I assumed it would somehow be easier to achieve this if it was comma delimited, but perhaps not. Anybody have a thought of how I can read through this file and make a UID in this case (per line) which would be (for this particular line) WAKLJESM01/01/2000? Then, with that UID, I would like it to delete ALL rows which are NOT duplicates. So, if WAKLJESM01/01/2000 only shows up once, then it is gone. Otherwise, all instances of it would remain.
123456 WAKLEY JESSE M 01/01/2000 Active OUT