Large File Attachments Get SMTP 10054 Error

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Large File Attachments Get SMTP 10054 Error

Post by cabramson » Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:33 am

I'm trying to send zip files via the SMTPSendMail approach.

Larger files, or slower PC's, result in an error if the time to assemble the attachement requires a bit more than 10 minutes.

I was hoping that settting the SMTP_TIMEOUT to a larger number would help; but, no joy.

It seems like the SMTPSendMail requires a lot more time to execute than an Outlook attach file and email.

I've noticed some of the scripts for using Outlook; but, not a clear approach for adding attachments by specifying a file name.

Perhaps I'm missing something in the available scripts?



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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:41 am

The question of how to add attachments to an Outlook email object seems to come up roughly once a week. Each time it comes up I search for "outlook attachment" (without quotes) in the search box at the top right of the site and find the answer. I wonder why it only works when I do that ;-)


I don't know why SMTPSendMail is failing. The difference though is that it is communicating directly with the mail server, whereas if you send by outlook you're just putting an email into it's queue for later delivery and it handles the communication with the server.
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