Stop command ?

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Stop command ?

Post by Gemster » Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:35 pm

Hi im totaly new to macoing.

I have made a simple code but im stuck on a stop command.

Code: Select all

my code here
my code here
my code here

as you can see above i have the code repeat over and over. Thats what i want it to do but how can i stop it when i want to ?

like maybe press F8 and that will stop it from running ?


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Post by JRL » Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:09 pm

There is a built in key combination to stop any Macro Scheduler macro. The key combunation is Shift + Esc. However, that is not always convenient because you might have more than one script running and you don't know which one will stop first. You can use the OnEvent> function to sense a key or key combination has been pressed and perform an action at the time of the key(s) being pressed. Stopping your macro would be one such action. To get a list of virtual key codes see the WaitKeyDown> function help. For more on OnEvent>, see OnEvent> help. OnEvent is really an extensive and useful function.

Here's your sample stopping with an F8 key press.

Code: Select all



  my code here
  my code here
  my code here

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