Is this right?

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Is this right?

Post by jj45410 » Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:55 am

Code: Select all

    Caption=Halo 3 Weapons Timer
    Button=.,0,0,0,0,1,SNIPER START.BMP_DATA
    Button=Reset Sniper,0,0,0,0,8
    Button=Reset Rocket,0,0,0,0,9
    Button=Reset Custom,0,0,0,0,10
    Button=0,25,40,175,35,0 // <The>Dialog1
SetDialogObjectVisible>Dialog1,msButton1,1 //SniperSTART
SetDialogObjectVisible>Dialog1,msButton2,2 //SniperEND
SetDialogObjectVisible>Dialog1,msButton3,3 //RocketSTART
SetDialogObjectVisible>Dialog1,msButton4,4 //RocketEND
SetDialogObjectVisible>Dialog1,msButton5,5 //CustomSTART
SetDialogObjectVisible>Dialog1,msButton6,6 //CustomEND
First, You may notice that I haven't set any parameters of any sort except a number to call the button from. I know, I'm trying to get this out the way before design. Secondly, I have a problem with which needs to be dealt with, When trying to launch the window only stays up for that of a second before closing down.

Alright, So basically this is going to be a halo 3 weapons timer. I got the idea from JRL. Well, There's a lot of them out there but he gave me the idea to make my own by showing me how to make buttons turn from one picture to another. Thanks again & To Bob Hansen for also assisting.

So! Here we go, Basically, I've got three timers that people will setup and I want it to count to 3 Minutes and then reset to 0 and make a .wav sound of choosing. (I'll cross that bridge when I come to it) but right now I basically want to make sure I'm doing this right.

I want to have a SetDialogObjectVisible for each button correct? Since, There will be a start to the button and a end as you can clearly see. So what I'm basically asking is, Does it all make sense so far?

Thank you in advance - Jordan

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