Building an application around MacroScheduler?

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Building an application around MacroScheduler?

Post by marvinlb » Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:41 pm

Has anyone built an entire application around MacroScheduler? I'm looking at a development effort for a data warehousing & reporting application that would consist of:

-GUI for Users, with whatever logic is required for navigation, selection by user of desired reports & options, etc.
-MacroScheduler for execution of script(s) based on the user's work via the GUI
-pre-defined SQL & Reportwriter routines to be "called" by the various MacroScheduler scripts, against the DB.

This approach would leverage MacroScheduler for its scheduling & event monitoring capabilities (others?)

The alternative would be (I suppose) custom development of all GUI, scheduling, & event monitoring (tied to the same pre-defined SQL & Reportwriter routines as described above).

Has anyone taken this route? What are the +/- of this approach?
(development time, performance, maintenance, etc.) in the end, does it save any development time &/or $???

sharing of any & all perspectives experiences would be greatly appreciated.

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:38 pm

A number of people have done this.

Keith Passaur of talks about using Macro Scheduler to build custom and "shrinkwrap" apps in his podcast here:



Some of our tools are built with Macro Scheduler and I know of a number of other users who have used Macro Scheduler to build applications that they sell. Assuming they are happy to publicise this fact they will hopefully respond here.
Marcus Tettmar |

Did you know we are now offering affordable monthly subscriptions for Macro Scheduler Standard?

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Phil Pendlebury
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Post by Phil Pendlebury » Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:10 pm

Hi there,

I have successfully built and marketed an application using MS:

Not sure how much help I could be but I will gladly contribute to any questions / answers as time permits.
Phil Pendlebury - Linktree

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Post by kpassaur » Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:34 am

I have build numerous applications / utilities with Macro Scheduler.

What I do with MS is call console application or dlls and process the results. The dlls and console applications for the most part I have custom written for me and I have them written so that they have numerous uses.

All of the applications to me are really utilities as they batch process. I think of an application as something that interacts with a user where these are designed to work in the background with virtually no user intervention.

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Post by IanSmith » Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:32 pm

I wrote a number of applications for a large bank in the UK a couple of years ago. I was a problem solver for a large roll out, and I used MS to extract security certificates (the problem in the testimonials section), remote into machines to audit data volumes and a number of other wee tasks. I found it to be much faster and easier than using VB, and I made a lot of use of the 'simulated input' features.

Take care, Ian

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