Repeating a Reverse Search not working in Macro Scheduler 11

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Repeating a Reverse Search not working in Macro Scheduler 11

Post by evangelmike » Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:51 pm

Greetings! Using Macro Scheduler 11, Ctrl-f can be used to do either a forward or a reverse search. F3 is used to repeat a forward search. What would one use to repeat a reverse search? F3 won't do that on my machine. What key command should one use to repeat a reverse search? Thanks! May you have a blessed day.


Michael Fitzpatrick

PS: My workaround is to do a Ctrl-Home to go to the beginning of the file and use Ctrl-f to do a forward search, and then F3 to repeat that forward search. But this is very time consuming for a long file when there are many items and the exact item you are looking for is near the end of the file. Using Macro Scheduler 10, one does a Ctrl-end to quickly go to the end of the file, and then uses Ctrl-f do a reverse search. Most of my files are very long.
May you have a blessed day!

Michael D Fitzpatrick
Reg. US Patent Agent

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