Folder Event - New File Trigger failed

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Folder Event - New File Trigger failed

Post by GaryC » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:07 am


I am having a problem with the Trigger, deeply appreciate any help.

I have a queue for files, copy to folder A one at a time.
I have a trigger, "Folder event - New file in folder", for folder A. The script will do something and trigger the second script.
The second script do something then move the file in folder A to backup folder.
Both script completed, next file from the queue copied to folder A and the cycle starts again.

The problem i have is, the New file trigger for folder A does not always work. I restarted the Macro Scheduler, place the first file in the queue to folder A. Everthing work the way suppose to be. File moved by second script, then next file copied to folder A, nothing happened. I tried to rename the file, change the last modified date, copy again etc. It just does not see it as new file. Any idea?

Best Regards,

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System info

Post by GaryC » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:10 am

Oh, would like to mention that I am running
Macro Scheduler 10.1.20
Windows XP Profressional

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:39 am

Can you try the following:

- Create the following new script:


Under Triggers set it to "Folder Event" and "New File in Folder".
Enter a new folder such as c:\temp

Save the macro.

Open Windows Explorer and go to c:\temp

Right click and select New->Text Document.

The macro should fire.

Right click and select New->Text Document again

The macro should fire.

Does the macro fire each time you create a new file in the folder?

If so, we need to look at your script.
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Post by GaryC » Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:28 am

Hi, thanks for the prompt reply

I tried the following

1. Create new script, MessageModal>Hi, trigger on "new file in folder" event
2. Open that folder in Windows Explorer, right click to create a new text file, something like "New text document.txt".
3. The macro fired.
4. Right again to create second text, by default its something like "New text document (2).txt"
5. The macro fired.
6. Now, if I delete that two new text files
7. Right click in folder to create new text file, "New text document.txt"
8. Macro NOT fired.
9. Right click again to create "New text document (2).txt", nothing happened.
10. Rename the newly created text file to whatever name and extension you can think of also won't help
11. Right click again to create "New text document (3).txt"
12. The macro fired for "New text document (3).txt"

In my case, it is not possible to make sure file names are unique


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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:18 am

I've replicated this. Will get it fixed asap. Will send you a PM.
Marcus Tettmar |

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