Clicking an email button & filling in a text area form?

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Clicking an email button & filling in a text area form?

Post by simonwilliams » Sun Aug 03, 2008 3:35 pm


I'm using Macro Scheduler 6.2.3

This is for a contacts web site, What I am trying to achieve is for MS to click an email button which opens up another page with a form to fill.

I have everything I need sorted except

1. The email button.
This isn't in exactly the same place on every page, always very close but frequently a few pixels up or down. So using MouseMove won't always hit the button. So is their a way I can get MS to click the email button?

2. Text input. Once I am on the page I want my text to be inputted. However, if I use text that is paragraphed then MS will only input the text up to the 1st line break, so I can only have my text inputted all in one with no sentencing or paragraphing :-(

I would appreciate any help on these two niggles, thanks.
Simon Williams

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:14 pm

1. Not sure there's a good solution with v6 but since v9 Macro Scheduler has had image recognition which will solve this particular problem. Alternatively you can use WebRecorder. WebRecorder needs version 7 or above.

2. Use the CRLF variable to insert line breaks:

Send>line one%CRLF%%CRLF%line two%CRLF%%CRLF%etc etc
Marcus Tettmar |

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Post by Me_again » Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:13 pm

What about MouseOver?

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