VB Help Needed

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VB Help Needed

Post by lebrocoli » Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:35 pm

Ok. Begineer question again:

I seem to be able to open my db connection. Now, how do I assign the result of the SQL query to a variable so I can then compare the answer with what I am expecting? I am not sure what I should put around the part in Bold. Thanks

Here is the script:

Dim SQLString
set MyDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' MyDB.CursorLocation = adUseServer
MyDB.Open "Provider=ASAProv;Data Source=C:\Database\sm_3.db;" & _
"User Id=dba;Password=sql;"

SQLString = "Select * from dba.system_settings where setting_name = 'SITE_ID'"
Set RS = MyDB

Set MyDB = nothing

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:14 pm

Set RS = MyDB.Execute(SQLString)

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Post by lebrocoli » Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:22 pm

Ok great.

After shuffling the code around for some time it started to work for me.

Now, I guess the question is: from the 1 million site thats talk about VisualBasic, do you know of one that is simple and easy to learn from?

Thanks for all your answers.

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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:57 pm

Well you can narrow down your search - VB is NOT VBScript. So look at sites specific to VBScript not VB.
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Post by lebrocoli » Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:07 pm

Ok. Thanks.

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Post by lebrocoli » Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:34 pm

Here is what is working right now. I do not understand that line:

GetCustomerName = claude.Fields("setting_value")

In fact, I understand the right part, not the left part. Why are we assigning the result of claude.Fields("setting_value") to GetCustomerName IF GetCustomerName IS the name of the function itself?

What a beginner question hein?

Function GetCustomerName(guy)

Dim SQLString

set MyDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MyDB.Open "Provider=ASAProv;Data Source=C:\Database\sm_3.db;" & _
"User Id=dba;Password=sql;"
SQLString = "select * from dba.system_settings where setting_name = 'SITE_ID'"
set claude = MyDB.Execute(SQLString)

GetCustomerName = claude.Fields("setting_value")

Set MyDB = nothing

End Function

Message> %CustName%

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:04 pm

Why are we assigning the result of claude.Fields("setting_value") to GetCustomerName IF GetCustomerName IS the name of the function itself?
By assigning a value to the function name you are defining the RETURN value of the function. So in this case the function GetCustomerName RETURNS claude.Fields("setting_value"). Therefore when you CALL GetCustomerName (e.g. with the VBEval statement) the value of the function is returned. In this case the value of the function is the value of claude.Fields("setting_value")

The VBEval statement takes this form:


The value returned by VBScript_Statement is put into variable. So if we do:


Then the value returned by the GetCustomerName function is put into the theCustomerName variable. The value returned by GetCustomerName is whatever is assigned to it - in your case claude.Fields("setting_value").

Does that make sense?
Marcus Tettmar
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Post by lebrocoli » Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:51 pm

Ok great. I still have a question though:

Assuming that GetCustomerName = claude.Fields("setting_value") sets the return value of the function, what is the role of the name between the parenthesis themselves of the Function line?

I mean for the following line, what is the role of (guy)?

Function GetCustomerName(guy)

I mean, I can change it to whatever and it still works. That is why I am confuse. Same thing happens with the VBEval statement. I could write
VBEval>GetCustomerName(joebloe) and it will still work! You see the confusion?

Is the name between the parenthesis is just there to say that only 1 parameter is passed to the function?

Thanks for all your help.

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