Autologon problem

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Autologon problem

Post by Jaylee » Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:57 am


Using XP SP2.

I have just upgraded to MS version 9.1.04.

I have short script set up to simply log me into the workstation each morning so that other scripts can run at their scheduled times. This worked fine every day until I performed the upgrade last week. Nothing else has changed. I've been through the set up for the individual script and checked the options for the scheduler service. As far as I can see, everything is as it should be. All other scripts set up to run AFTER I manually log into the workstation run correctly.

I will set up a log to try to see what's going on and if there is any attempt by the script to run but, in the meantime, any thoughts please?

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Post by Jaylee » Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:05 am

I changed the login time, logged out and waited for the script to run.

This is the result from the log:

Code: Select all

17/09/2007 11:01:52:812 - Started Macro : Login
17/09/2007 11:01:54:812 - Wait>2
17/09/2007 11:01:54:812 - Send>Password
17/09/2007 11:01:55:812 - Wait>1
17/09/2007 11:01:55:812 - PushButton>Log On To Windows,OK
17/09/2007 11:01:55:812 - Finished Macro : Login
However, it didn't actually log on to the workstation.

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:32 am

What did you upgrade from? There has been no change to any of the commands shown in your log file.

Have there been any Windows updates around the same time? Any changes to your security policies? It is possible hat a Windows update or company security policy has prevented the ability to send keystrokes to the Windows logon console which is what your macro is attempting to do.

But have you confirmed that the Scheduler Service is running when you exit Macro Scheduler? Any messages in the event log?
Marcus Tettmar |

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Post by Jaylee » Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:22 am

Hi Marcus,

Thank you for the pointers. The scheduler service had shut off. I hadn't thought to check it as every previous MS upgrade I have done has not impacted this at all.

I re-set the MS Scheduler Service to automatic and re-started it.

The PC logged in correctly this morning so everything appears to be back to normal.

Thanks again.

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Post by Jaylee » Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:36 am

More problems with AutoLogon.

Currently using MS v9.1.05 on XP SP2.

I have successfully used a login script for quite a long time. The PC I log into shuts down the monitor under a power saving feature which I don't have access to change due to an enforced screen saver policy. When it has powered down, the login script won't run so the workaround I developed was to run a simple script to play a WAV file. This is enough to wake the monitor up. The login script would then run because it could "see" the screen.

I am handing over my control of MS as I am exiting my job tomorrow. I have set up the PC for the new user in exactly the same fashion it was set up for me.

I am unable to get the wake up script to run under the scheduling service so the screen stays powered down. If I wake up the screen manually, the WAV file will play. Unless the monitor is "awake" nothing happens.

The new user has the same Admin rights I had on the PC. The XP login screen is set up in the "classic" style (no need to CTRl+ALT+_DEL). His username is remembered in the login screen. MS is set to keep the scheduler service on exit (I have checked this by exiting MS then checking the scheduler service through the Control Panel). It is set on automatic and displays as "Started".

There have been no recent changes to the Security Polices (and if I log back in as myself and reenable MS under my logins, everything works).

Once the PC is logged into, all other scripts run perfectly.

Apart from not getting the "Wake up" script to run under the scheduler service, I also can't get the login script to run in any fashion. The script I use is below and has worked fine for me for a long time:

Code: Select all

PushButton>Log On to Windows,OK
I have set up logs for both of these scripts. If the screen is awake, the "Wake up" script runs. If the screen is not awake, there is no response.

Regardless of the state of the screen, the login does nothing, although the log shows it completes the script run.

I've searched the forum and taken note of the DoLogon information, however, I don't understand how to use this.

I've spent hours trying to work out where I am going wrong.

The only other difference I can see is that I have been logging into this PC since MS v8 and applying the updates as they come along. I had to install MS under the new user as v9.1.04, then updated to v9.1.05. There were differences in the scheduler service file path which looked back at an earlier version of MS which was installed under Macro Scheduler in the Programs menu. The current version of MS is Macro Scheduler Pro and this creates a different directory in the Programs menu. I performed a second install and pointed this to install in the Macro Scheduler Pro directory. This has changed the scheduler service file path but there has been no change in operation - both failed to run the scheduled scripts when the sorkstation was logged out.

Please help.


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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:35 pm

I don't see a SetFocus before Send>
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
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Post by Jaylee » Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:07 am

Hi Bob,

I have never needed to use the SetFocus command with this, however, it had crossed my mind this may have been the issue and I have previously added it in and tried to run the script. Makes no difference.

Any other thoughts, please?

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