Recording pixel colors found at a certain point.

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Recording pixel colors found at a certain point.

Post by thepenguin99 » Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:17 am

Ok, I have a a box in my game that changes color as the box fills up. Right now I have my macro set to see when the box is about 95% full by checking a pixel color. Now for the problem. The color changes slightly depending on the sun. Even with it changing I don't think there are over 20-30 possible pixel colors for the position. What I need is another macro that finds and records pixel color while I am moving the game screen around with my mouse for different light angles. Finding isn't the problem for me as I know how to use GetPixelColor. The problem is I don't know how to make it record it in a txt or a box. Doesn't matter where its recorded as long as it doesn't overwrite itself.

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no what you need is ......

Post by idiot » Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:15 pm

to scan for the color that the box is before it fills up then when it gets to the 95% point the color will change so just scan for the color before the change and have script goto>start if color is found and if color is not found have it do something that should fix you right up :wink:
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