Copy to Notepad name of Users of Highscore-help =D

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Copy to Notepad name of Users of Highscore-help =D

Post by devak » Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:18 pm

Hi again !! the other time i solve my own problem, i really love the program :D

but i need help, for example i have..

positions users money gold wood
1 joey 44 10 444
2 mike 55 11 555
3 debbie 66 13 6666
4 mommy 77 12 7777
5 josue 88 14 8888

how can i get the Users without getting the other staff ? if possible in a TXT..

the page will be, example:
and it will have inside, the $users$ $gold$, i think...

so, how can i do ? THANKS!

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