I've written a script to automate a research application that runs repeated simulations. Usually it works perfectly, executing 400+ simulations overnight.
Occasionally when I come in in the morning I find the process has stalled. Here's an example from the script log.
Code: Select all
1/23/2007 21:22:50:734 - // Close CIMS window
1/23/2007 21:22:50:734 - IfWindowOpen>CIMS Simulation*
1/23/2007 21:22:50:765 - SetFocus>CIMS Simulation*
1/23/2007 21:22:50:781 - Press ALT
1/23/2007 21:22:50:781 - Send>fx
1/23/2007 21:22:50:796 - Release ALT
1/24/2007 11:03:16:781 - WaitWindowClosed>CIMS Simulation*
1/24/2007 11:03:16:796 - Endif
1/24/2007 11:03:16:812 -
1/24/2007 11:03:16:812 - Label>End
1/24/2007 11:03:16:843 - End>RunSimulation
Any ideas why the window may not have closed? Can anyone see a more robust way to write this script?
I notice some people use 'Send Character/Text>' instead of 'Send>' but I don't think this is the cause.