I can't pass a variable to the EDI command...?

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I can't pass a variable to the EDI command...?

Post by Kwhiz » Sat Jul 15, 2006 3:05 am

I'm trying to pass a variable to the edi command, but I can't seem to make it work. I've tried the following simple macro as an experiment.

edi>c:\blue.ini, banana, apple, fig newton

After running this command, I enter the following inputs:

For the banana input, I enter yellow.
For the apple input, I enter red

And then I open the .ini file to see what I've accomplished. I was expecting it to say

red=fig newton

But instead it says:

apple=fig newton

I tried adding the % sign, and also the " sign, to the strings to see if that would work. I changed the EDI command as follows:

Edi>c:\blue.ini, %banana%, %apple%,fig newton

But that didn't work either. Same with substituting quotation marks.

So how exactly do I pass a variable to the Edi command?


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Post by Kwhiz » Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:39 am

Wow, I just figured it out. I was using the input command incorrectly. No wonder the edi command wasn't functioning properly!


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Post by JRL » Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:49 am

I was just about to tell you that about the Input command. Better that you found it yourself. Congrats.

Also you have spaces in the EDI line. Macro Scheduler would see those spaces as viable characters in a variable name. "banana" is a different variable than " banana". Also the quotes are included here just so you can see a space at the start of the second banana. There would not normally be quotes around a variable.


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