need help brand new

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need help brand new

Post by drone_wolf » Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:55 pm

i am brand new ill take any help if u r willing. i wana make a macro to run with runescape. yes we all know its againts rules but i just wana try it. i dont want anyone to make me a macro but to tell me the basics. im very willing ot learn i have researched tons and tons. but nothing can tell me the basic scripting just how to do it. now like the actualy lets u use to scrpit. i havent downloaded anyhitng of the site so tell me if i need to. and also wher should i make it. cuz my frend says the only way he learend before gitin into highschool is to ask other prgoammers im sure i can find sum here. so please i would really apprecciate the help thanks.

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Runescape macro

Post by mileswilliams » Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:03 am

I have played Runescape, and I even had a go at making a mining macro, there are some problems though :

It is a Java based game there aren't any buttons or links that you can click on... ideally you would have some sort of image recognition tool, so when it sees, for instance, gold appear, the left mouse button is clicked on it. Now it gets complicated, you have to make that into a loop, but if your inventory fills up you have to do something about it, if the monster appears that is another problem, and your pick could break... There is the reason for all these "random" events, it makes macros harder to write for Runescape. It is very difficult to do... and they change things all the time.... it isn't worth it.

I gave up, sorry I can't be more positive.

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Post by idiot » Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:37 pm

do a search for these 3 things wih are the most important to make scripts for runescape
image recognition
random color clicking
if idiots rule the world then im the king!!!!
i want a free t-shirt give me all of your rep!!!
please give me pro version of macro scheduler and appnavigator!!!

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