INvoking Run As in XP

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INvoking Run As in XP

Post by IanSmith » Mon May 08, 2006 3:21 pm

Hello all,

Quick question; has anyone had any luck invoking Run As from a command line? I need to open a control panel applet (.cpl) with elevated privileges. I know that you cannot pass the password directly, and have to enter that into a dialogue box, but I'm looking for a way to start the journey without having to navigate through Explorer...

Any comments/suggestions/howls of derision would be appreciated.

Thanks, Ian

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Post by JRL » Mon May 08, 2006 4:45 pm

I've never done this but if you open a command prompt and type in "runas /?", the explanation seems straightforward.

Assuming your OS is NT4.0 or later, try something like:

Run>cmd /c runas /user:administrator ProgramName

I assume that windows will then prompt you for the admin password.


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Post by JRL » Mon May 08, 2006 5:20 pm

Its lunchtime so I thought I'd play around with this and it wasn't quite as straightforward as it first appeared.
This works for me:

Run>cmd /c runas /user:administrator notepad.exe

Hope it works for you.

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