Can't activate Java icon. Please help.

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Junior Coder
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Post by Jaylee » Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:29 am

Sorry. Back again. I'm about to demonstrate my level of density again. :oops:

I get the copying and pasting the script and having it activate IE which then goes to a hard-coded URL.

What I haven't been able to do is to get it to behave when I activate a hyperlink contained in the text of a mail message. :oops:

When I activate the link using the method shown in my earlier post (8 March), and comment out the VBRun>Navigate,, two instances of IE open. One stays blank and the other loads the destination page. I get the message box saying Done! as soon as the blank page opens instead of the destination page.

Sorry. I really don't know much about any kind of scripting and VBScript is just doing my head in. I tried not commenting out the navigate part but resulted in two open windows and i still don't know which one gave me the Done! message but I suspect it was the page. If I move anything in the script I get "Compile" errors.

Would someone mind pointing out what I need to do to use this code effectively?


P.S. I am trying to read up on VBScript but, to me, it's like learning a whole new language just to try to understand what the lessons are about. :shock: I'll keep working on it.

Junior Coder
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Post by Jaylee » Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:28 am

Hello again,

Please take pity on an old lady trying to understand this stuff ... :?

When I mentioned I have no experience with scripting, I actually meant I have no experience with scripting. I started playing with MS V6 only a few weeks ago and emulating mousemoverel with clicks to automate a process wich chews up about 70% of my day so I could do something useful instead. This did work and I am really grateful for the time it has bought me. Now I have access to V8 and more flexible solutions, so maybe, I'm just getting greedy now ...

I've Googled myself silly and tried to work out how to use this code to do what I need - all to no avail. I realise the code you supplied will open a new IE window and navigate to the URL contained in the code. I simply can't work out how to replace the URL in your example with the links I need to follow.

I have around 300 links delivered daily in the body of individual emails. The emails contain text requesting action to be taken on documents which are stored at locations found by clicking the link also contained in the messages. The links looks like this:

I locate the link in each message by performing a "Find http" and then have been simulating a mouse click on the link to open IE and display the form in html. Each link which is clicked opens a completely new IE window so I have to close each one when I am finished otherwise I end up with a PC crash due to lack of memory as IE will not reuse an existing window for this even though the option "Reuse windows for launching shortcuts" is enabled in Tools > Internet Options > Advanced. This works ... BUT ... the document does not always become visible until after the window name changes which means my code to continue with the next step kicks in. The end result is that I get a blank printed page and the script run bombs out.

What I am hoping someone can show me, is how to use the VBScript Busy loop when the IE page has been launched as described above or how I can get the supplied script to read the link in the email message and navigate to it. From what I have been reading, I'm guessing I need to "pass" a variable into the script??? If that's correct, I'm still no closer to a solution because I have no idea how to do that.

You would make an old lady very happy if you could help with this. :D


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Post by pravinholkar » Sat Apr 08, 2006 3:30 pm

Jaylee wrote:Sorry. Back again. I'm about to demonstrate my level of density again. :oops:

I get the copying and pasting the script and having it activate IE which then goes to a hard-coded URL.

What I haven't been able to do is to get it to behave when I activate a hyperlink contained in the text of a mail message. :oops:

When I activate the link using the method shown in my earlier post (8 March), and comment out the VBRun>Navigate,, two instances of IE open. One stays blank and the other loads the destination page. I get the message box saying Done! as soon as the blank page opens instead of the destination page.

Sorry. I really don't know much about any kind of scripting and VBScript is just doing my head in. I tried not commenting out the navigate part but resulted in two open windows and i still don't know which one gave me the Done! message but I suspect it was the page. If I move anything in the script I get "Compile" errors.

Would someone mind pointing out what I need to do to use this code effectively?


P.S. I am trying to read up on VBScript but, to me, it's like learning a whole new language just to try to understand what the lessons are about. :shock: I'll keep working on it.

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Post by pravinholkar » Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:44 pm

When I activate the link using the method shown in my earlier post (8 March), and comment out the VBRun>Navigate,, two instances of IE open. One stays blank and the other loads the destination page. I get the message box saying Done! as soon as the blank page opens instead of the destination page.

Sorry. I really don't know much about any kind of scripting and VBScript is just doing my head in. I tried not commenting out the navigate part but resulted in two open windows and i still don't know which one gave me the Done! message but I suspect it was the page. If I move anything in the script I get "Compile" errors.

Would someone mind pointing out what I need to do to use this code effectively?

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:46 pm

You are most likely to get some more help with this if you submit your script and point out where you think it is failing......

Have you tried to Single Step through the script? Where does it fail?

Have you created a log file and tried to use that as a diagnostic tool?

Are the variables holding the correct values?
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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