A press/release question

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A press/release question

Post by sirjober » Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:28 am

Can I possibly do a Smooth Press Left and then a "release left"? I can't do a loop because it crashes my program. Should be like holding shift then releasing on wait time, not dotleft dotleft dotleft...if you follow?

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Post by JRL » Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:52 pm

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Post by sirjober » Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:19 pm

:!: :shock: :?:

It is all very interesting the many ways that you can simulate a keypress, but it isn't working for me either.

I am trying to control the movement of my character in a game called World of Earcraft, I have tried many methods to try making my character turn a full 180 degrees but unsuccessfuly.

The 'loop x,x=x+1 untill x=number', simply crashes the program. I tried inserting a 'wait>0.1' in each loop to prevent flooding and it "works" in a sense that the character turns pixel per pixel for a LONG period of time; which isn't what i'm trying to accomplish.

I'm also a beginner in programming so I cannot apply the method stated by Support, it simply does nothing to the program.

Any suggestions? :?

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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Sat Feb 04, 2006 5:14 pm

Games often don't work like Windows applications and use lower level keyboard handlers. So you may not be able to achieve what you want to achieve.
Marcus Tettmar
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