Problem with child window with no name

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Problem with child window with no name

Post by Provalian » Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:55 pm

I am unsuccessfully trying to Send Character/Text> to the Edit field (Edit "01/01/2005") on a child screen. When this screen appears, the cursor is blinking in the Edit field. If I manually type the string in it enters fine. Since the Send Character/Text> command is not working, I am thinking that it is a focus issue. However the window does not have a name as shown in the first line of the View Windows System info. Attempts to get information on this window using GetWindow commands with MessageModal>have all ended with the macro running but not returning any information. The macro continues to run indefinitely until I close the child window, then the macro will return the information on the parent window. I can't seem to get any information from or send anything to the child window. Any advice?

My Script:(The Build Res Characteristics Summary window is open and in focus when this portion of the script is executed)

SetFocus>Build Res Characteristics Summary
PushButton>Build Res Characteristics Summary,OK
//The child window in question appears here
Send Character/Text>01/01/2004
Press Enter

Here are a few things I have tried separately but none have worked:
SETFOCUS> (space after>)
SetFocus> *
MouseMoveRel>166,66 (x,y position of Edit entry field)

View Windows System info
1509112 - #32770 ""
1771258 - Static "Oldest Sale Date:"
1312494 - Edit "01/01/2005"
1574640 - Button "Messages"
1312502 - Static "Enter parameters and click OK"
1312500 - Static ""
526148 - Button "OK"
329542 - Button "Cancel"

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Post by pgriffin » Fri Jan 27, 2006 9:46 pm

Maybe using FindWindowWithText would at least be a way to be sure you have focus on the "nameless child" window. Then you could set WIN_USEHANDLE to 1 to get the window handle. With WIN_USEHANDLE still se to 1, use SetcontrolText to directly populate the EDIT field.


where x is the instance of the Edit and MyData is the value/variable you want to place in the field...

of course, this is without testing in your environment, so no guarantee...

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