Reinstalling but preserving your groups/macros/etc

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Reinstalling but preserving your groups/macros/etc

Post by bernie » Sat Dec 03, 2005 5:23 am

I just moved from 7.3 to 7.4.009 and I thought I'd be clever, but I think I hosed myself: Since I was going from 7.3 to 7.4, I thought it'd be cleaner to uninstall 7.3 first, then install 7.4. that seems to have worked fine *EXCEPT* all my macros and groups are gone.

I did keep a copy of the directory in which I kept my macros for 7.3, but pointing 7.4 at that directory didn't get me anything [nothing at all! no groups, no macros, no nothing]. Is there some way to "connect" my 7.3 macro directory to 7.4 and get all my old stuff back the way it was?

Thanks! /bernie\

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:28 am

When you reinstalled you should have chosen the Minimal install option which it says is for people installing over another version or upgrading and keeps your macros and settings intact. The installer very clearly presents a screen asking whether you want the full install, which installs sample macros and settings, or the minimal install which preserves macros and settings. Seems you didn't read that screen and selected the maximum install!


What you can do now is use the File/Import macros option to import your old macros. If you have your old macros.dat file you can also import settings and schedules but if you've written over that too you'll have to reset everything.
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Post by bernie » Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:19 pm

Thanks -- problem was that since I had just *uninstalled* msched, I didn't know if the 'upgrade' was the right choice [for some programs, upgrades require that the previous version be there]. But since I have my entire "macros" direcdory intact [I did save a copy..:)], what I'll do is uninstall msched, put the macros back, then do a minimal install nad see how it goes. Thanks!!

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