Help file suggestion

Ideas for new features & functions

Moderators: Dorian (MJT support), JRL

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Help file suggestion

Post by Rain » Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:56 pm

I love all the new features well the ones that I figured out so far. Would it be possible to add examples for the new features to the help file? For example the dialog example is outdated, none of the new features are included which may not be a problem for people that have used MS for quite some time but those that are new to MS could probably use some examples that include the new features. Just a though.

I can't figure out one>FILE_EXISTS,Filename,0,FileExist
How is that supposed to work? do I have to enter the file name only or the path plus file name?

This is the only example which isn't much to go by:

EventParm takes a filename.

ExtraParm is not used. Set to zero.

Thank you for your time and a great product.

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Post by JRL » Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:36 pm

Rain wrote:do I have to enter the file name only or the path plus file name?
Yes... As with any filename, the path is a part of the name and identifies the specific file. The only exception is when the file is located in the current working directory.

I love the OnEvent> function. I agree that help could use better examples but until that happens, here's an example using FILE_NOTEXIST. This creates a file c:\Rain_event_test\rain.txt then waits until you delete it. As soon as the file is deleted, the FILE_NOTEXISTS event runs the FileDeleted subroutine which then pops a message and closes the script.

Hope this helps,

Code: Select all

Writeln>%file1%,wresult,This is a test


  MDL>File %file1% has been deleted



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Post by Rain » Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:13 pm

Thanks Dick.

I took a closer look at my script after I saw your reply and noticed that I had a typo. No wonder it didn't work :oops:

It's working now.

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