[Done] Option to include image file data within compiled exe

Ideas for new features & functions

Moderators: Dorian (MJT support), JRL

Option to include image file data within compiled macro exe

5. Important, even if the size/efficiency increases/degrades
4. Somewhat important
3. I'm okay either way
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2. Somewhat unimportant
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1. Unimportant, even if the size/efficiency remains unaffected
Total votes: 20

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Post by jpuziano » Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:16 pm

DrPain wrote:
  • I tried to use this new feature with the image function FindImagePos, and it
    returned a -1 as the number found. So I assume this means the image functions
    don't work with the embedded bitmaps.
Greetings DrPain,

As far as I know, the FindImagePos command should work just fine to locate
images you put into dialogs using this new feature... as long as you have
created and are referencing the proper .bmp files that contain the image you
are trying to find. If you post your code here, someone may be able to offer
more help.
Last edited by jpuziano on Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by DrPain » Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:45 pm

I guess I wasn't clear, or I don't understand your response. I'm not trying to use FindImagePos to find bitmaps I've put on a dialog with the data, I'm trying to use the data as the "needle" for the FindImagePos command.

Here's what I'd like to be able to do:



// data truncated for forum post

When it hits the breakpoint, numFound is equal to -1, which I assume means an error occurred in FindImagePos.

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Post by JRL » Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:37 pm

FindImagePos will not currently be natively capable of using the embedded image data. I don't do much with images (this is the first time I've looked at FindImagePos>) so I'm not a good judge as to whether it should be capable of handling embedded image data. Off hand it sounds like a good idea.

I did have an idea on how you might accomplish this now. Since you need to use a dialog for the embedded data to process. Send the data to a dialog then use ScreenCapture> to take it off the dialog and write it to a file that can be used as the needle. Following is an example. The 36 x 36 pixel image is the Macro Scheduler cog (sprocket?) icon with a white background. I use the same file for both the needle image file and the haystack image file. Somehow that feels like cheating but it works as an example.

try this:

Edited and reposted without using the code button as a test to see how the forum software responds to very wide text. I should say JP that before you put the code with the data line in your post this thread looked fine to me using firefox. Afterward, Its very wide.

Code: Select all


MDL>X=%foundLocX_0% Y=%foundLocY_0% Quantity=%numFound%


Last edited by JRL on Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:17 pm, edited 14 times in total.

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Post by DrPain » Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:20 pm

That's a good idea, and I appreciate the effort.
However, I'm writing a macro for a game, so a dialog is not available, it's a pure graphical environment.

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Post by jpuziano » Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:25 pm

Hi DrPain,

Ahh, thanks for the clarification... you want to use the data that has been
imported using "Tools/Import Bitmap Data" as the needle instead of the actual
.bmp file you imported it from, I understand you now... interesting.

Well yes, that's something new so I believe the FindImagePos command would
have to be enhanced but I have no idea how large an effort that would be. Even
if its not that huge, Marcus would have to feel this is worth doing so... can
you post any reasons/examples where this capability would really come in
handy? Also it helps if the enhancement is generic i.e. a lot of users could
benefit instead of just a very few. The more justification you can provide,
the better your chances.

Marcus, what do you think about this as a potential enhancement? Possible or
not a chance? Comments?

JRL, thanks for that excellant example. I added a few Wait>2 commands just to
be able to see the dialog as everything flashes by so quickly, you can't see
it happen.

:shock: There is something odd going on after you run your example though. For me,
right after I run your script and close the MessageModal> dialog at the end...
the icon in the upper lefthand corner of the Macro Scheduler Main Screen
changes from the cog to a generic white square!?

Marcus, can you try JRL's code too please... does this happen for you? Does
anyone know why this happens?


P.S. Does anyone else out there hate :evil: when phpBB starts showing these forum
msgs super wide so that you have to do a bunch of horizontal scolling just to
read the message? I assume its a bug or "undocumented feature" of phpBB but
perhaps its something we're adding into our posts. If anyone knows, please
tell as then we could avoid that like the plague so our forum posts don't go
spilling off into the horizontal-scroll-zone.

Note 1: I've reformatted this post to make it more readable... manually... but
I'd like not to have to do this.

Note 2: OK, it goes super wide when you post code with a very long line in it
(like the image data line in JRL's code above) and you put that inside BBCode
meant for code... i.e. you highlight it and click the "Code" butten when you
create your forum post.

I am trying an alternative way to post code... lets see if this can be copied
and pasted and will work just a well as the "Code" block method... here's
JRL's same code (with Wait>2 commands)...


MDL>X=%foundLocX_0% Y=%foundLocY_0% Quantity=%numFound%

{replace with line from JRL's code above}

~end of code~

Note 3: JRL, the Macro Scheduler Main Window icon changes whether I run your
first example (above in green) or the new version you've reposted in your
original post above that uses LibFunc>. Is this happening to anyone else out

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Post by JRL » Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:31 pm

Yes I now see what you mean about the icon changing, I wasn't
understanding before. The icon was not affected when I ran this in the
editor. I think I fixed it by adding two lines to skip over the data label.

Code: Select all


MDL>X=%foundLocX_0% Y=%foundLocY_0% Quantity=%numFound%



Last edited by JRL on Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by jpuziano » Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:44 pm

JRL wrote:
Yes I now see what you mean about the icon changing, I wasn't understanding
before. The icon was not affected when I ran this in the editor. I think I
fixed it by adding two lines to skip over the data label.


Yes, that fixed it, the icon no longer disappears from the Macro Scheduler
main window... thanks for that but I'm wondering, why does it work that way?

Marcus, can you touch base with us here... are you aware of this effect?
Can you modify things so that we don't have to "skip around" any blocks of
imported image data in our scripts? If that's not possible, then I think it
would be wise to document the need for users to do this in the Help...
probably the dialog topic as that's where you have some notes on importing
image data. What do you say?

Finally, JRL... I removed the long image data line from the code I posted and
just referenced yours... but the forum post is still 6 feet wide using IE...
Don't tell me it went narrow again for you using Firefox... :?: :?:

Take care

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Post by JRL » Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:54 pm

Set both of the posting with loooong data line to textarea, /textarea and the post looks good to me now in Firefox. If I look at it in Explorer version 6 it is wider than it was in firefox when there was no textarea. In explorer I have about again as much white space on the right.

Sorry.... Should I remove the data line from the post or leave it?

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Post by jpuziano » Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:26 pm

JRL wrote:
Set both of the posting with loooong data line to textarea, /textarea and the
post looks good to me now in Firefox. If I look at it in Explorer version 6
it is wider than it was in Firefox when there was no textarea. In explorer I
have about again as much white space on the right.

Sorry.... Should I remove the data line from the post or leave it?


No need to be sorry at all, that's OK, leave the long data line, its needed
for the code to work when people try your example. I just installed the latest
version of Firefox here and this forum post displays OK, no horizontal
scrolling required... while in IE 6 its still incredibly wide.

One oddity though, even Firefox displays the code sections differently in the
last two messages you posted that have code. The more recent one displays
perfectly. The one a little older displays shifted to the right about an inch
and the code is displayed "spilled over the margin" on the right side. Are you
seeing this effect in Firefox?

JRL, perhaps you could click the "Edit" button on each of those two posts of
yours and see if there is any difference in the BBCode tags you used around
the Code chunks. Please let us know if you find any difference as that may be
why they display differently... and thanks as always for the excellent help
you provide on the forums.
Last edited by jpuziano on Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by JRL » Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:36 pm

jpuziano wrote:The one a little older displays shifted to the right about an inch and the code is displayed "spilled over the margin" on the right side. Are you seeing this effect in Firefox?
That was kind of weird wasn't it. I kind of wondered why I didn't see the far right portion of the text displayed on the wall next to the monitor... :)

Tried to edit it but no edit seemed to help. So I tried:

-- Cut the text of the post entirely and pasted into notepad. Saved it. reopened and pasted from notepad. Still bad.

-- Copied the code portion from the second post and pasted that into the first. Still bad.

=============30 minutes later=============

OK... I think the problem is cleared up.
I removed the entire post.
Dropped the post into another old post of mine and saved it.
Confirmed (with JP's help) that the text in the new location looked correct.
Logged off the forum.
Logged back in.
Edited the old post location and copied the text from there.
Edited the above post location and dropped the text back in.
Saved it... logged off the forum... returned to the thread and it looks normal.

Anyone reading this who didn't see the problem will think I've lost my marbles. I swear that the text ran right on out the right side of the text box.

===============Later still==============

Shut down FireFox.
Came back to the forum and looked again and the oddity is still there.

I think I'll leave it.

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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:30 am

1. Issue is not with embedded bitmaps, just with the label ICON_DATA: Change the label name to something else and you'll find the problem disappears. A script with just one line saying "ICON_DATA:" will reveal the same issue. This line is being confused with an internal command for changing the main program icon (ICO>iconfile,index)

2. The page stretching due to long lines is a feature of HTML. Hard to avoid without making the code unusable. Put up with it. In any case this is not the place to discuss HTML/PHP/phpBB issues! Stick to the topic please.
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Post by jpuziano » Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:57 am

mtettmar wrote:1. Issue is not with embedded bitmaps, just with the label ICON_DATA: Change the label name to something else and you'll find the problem disappears. A script with just one line saying "ICON_DATA:" will reveal the same issue. This line is being confused with an internal command for changing the main program icon (ICO>iconfile,index)
Thanks for letting us know about this internal command. I haven't tested but I take it any label name starting with ICO will cause this effect? In any case, I'll try to remember to avoid that but should I ever forget, I'm sure I'll remember what is causing the problem should I ever see the Macro Scheduler main window icon change after running a script.
mtettmar wrote:2. The page stretching due to long lines is a feature of HTML. Hard to avoid without making the code unusable. Put up with it. In any case this is not the place to discuss HTML/PHP/phpBB issues! Stick to the topic please.
Sure, OK, putting up with and sticking.

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