Unifying Poker tables into 1 standard interface!

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Unifying Poker tables into 1 standard interface!

Post by mosaic » Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:14 am

I need to write an app which does 2 things

1) Convert a variety of online poker table formats to 1 standard format, like converting Titan Poker to a Party Poker table.

2) Allow clicks in the standard format window to translate BACK to the source table so players use the standard window.

The key to doing this would be to have MS translate one set of graphic images into another and then redisplay in the Standard window.

Then MS must be able to take mouse clicks in the Standard window and then translate them Back to mouseclicks in the Source window.

I guess the tricky parts are making one set of card images into another and to track the "check", Call & raise info. Happily we are discussing limit games so we don't have to worry about the actual value of the raise/bet etc.

Why bother u might ask....? I work with the visually impaired (includes color blind) ....and I want to customize/simplify the displays to suit them......

One option I might have to consider l8r on is verbal interfacing....like "seat #1 checks,...seat # 2 folds....seat # 3 raises" etc. Then use Hotkey assignments to "Check Fold or Raise rather than mouse input to simplify the interface further. Eventually getting to the point of not only translating the card gfx but tagging a verbal identifier.....like "Ace clubs" or "Ten Spades".

As a noob to MS I am asking for guidance here.....I have experience in programming though...so I can help myself if you guys can share advice and any code fragments.

thx much


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