Script Compiler command interface

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Script Compiler command interface

Post by Alpha_AI » Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:41 pm

Hello there,

I just wondered whether there was a way to compile a script to run in the command line interface.

Maybe there could be some arguments i could pass msrt.exe to compile a script for me. The reason why i do this is because one script is modified each time with another program thus making each script different.


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Post by JRL » Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:57 am

From help for compile:

Compiling from the command line:
To compile on the command line run msrt.exe as follows:
msrt.exe -COMPILE source.scp target.exe [-QUIET] [-DEL] [-OPTS:options] [-ICON:iconfile]
Optional switches are shown in square brackets and are as follows:
-QUIET will prevent compiler error/success messages being displayed
-DEL deletes the source script file
-OPTS: then a command line to compile into the executable, e.g.: -OPTS:-NOSYSTRAY /parm1=fred
-ICON: then a .ico file to change the default program icon

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Post by Me_again » Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:45 am

Maybe another solution would to have the operation of the compiled macro set by values stored in an ini file. Then the macro could always be the same and the external program would just modify the ini file.

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Thanks guys

Post by Alpha_AI » Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:06 am

Thanks JRL and Me_again,

I think Me_again idea is a good one for this particular project.


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