finding data in excel

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finding data in excel

Post by hgupta1 » Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:12 am

The e-mail newsletter about excel reminded me of a problem that I was trying to solve through scripting, but never succeeded.

Every morning I get a huge excel file that has a listing of properties where crimes have been reported the previous week.
The first column has the crime type, the second column has the address, and the third column has the date. Our neighborhood association is only interested in the addresses that are within our neighborhood. I manually browse through the excel file looking for street names that fall within our association boundaries. (there are about 15 street names to look for).

I know there has to be a better way to find the streets we are interested in in the excel file.
Ideally the script would check the excel file against a pool of street names and e-mail me or display a message containg all the matches.
How should I do it?

I appreciate any guidance!

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