Would like to avoid using FindImage or WaitPixelColor...

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Would like to avoid using FindImage or WaitPixelColor...

Post by aux_con » Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:24 pm

I have a button that has different states and captions.
I'd like to not have to worry about the resolution of the application.

I need to know if the button has the right text AND if the button is enabled.
Currently I'm waiting for the pixel color of some text to turn black indicating that the button is now active then I proceed with the macro.

The pixel color works great but is very dependant on resolution and position. I'm looking for a better solution that removes these dependancies.

Here's what I'm working with.

Button states--------Caption------Action
Disabled---------&Take Call------Wait for call to come in
Active------------&Take Call------Click and answer incoming call
Active------------&End Call-------Click to End call OR wait/run other tests

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. :wink:

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:54 pm

Getting the caption should be easy - just use GetControlText.

To determine if the button is enabled or not use the IsWindowEnabled API function:

Code: Select all

//Get handle of Options window
//Find the handle of the &OK Button (TButton in this case) object
//Is Button Enabled
  MessageModal>Button Enabled
  MessageModal>Button Disabled
Above example gets the handle of a window called "Options". Then gets the handle of the "TButton" object with caption "&OK" on that window. Then passes that to IsWindowEnabled to see if it is enabled or not.
Marcus Tettmar
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Ack... Still having issues. Not getting the right handle.

Post by aux_con » Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:11 pm

Still not working... here is my code. I've included the related debug return codes in the comments.
//Set Focus
SetFocus>A Station

//Get handle of Options window
GetWindowHandle>A Station,hwndAStation
//Returns hwndAgentStation=2163180

//Is Take call available?
GetControlText>A Station,WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.378734a,1,buttontext1

If>buttontext1=&Take Call
//Find the handle of the &Take Call Button (TButton in this case) object
LibFunc>User32,FindWindowExA,btnTakeCallWnd,hwndAStation,0,WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.378734,&Take Call

/* This returns the following:
BTNTAKECALLWND_3=WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.378734 (I've also tried TButton)

//Is Button Enabled

MessageModal>Button Enabled %buttontext1%
//Add code to take the call
MessageModal>Button Disabled %buttontext1%
//Loop back and wait for button to be enabled.

MessageModal>Button is "End Call"
//Loop back and wait for button to be enabled.


Looks like the problem is that the FindWindowExA is just returning the parent window handle...

Sorry for being a noob... I'm sure it's something simple that I'm missing.
Last edited by aux_con on Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:17 pm

Is the button a direct child of the window or is there an extra step(s) in the hierarchy. Use Tools/View System Windows to view the tree. The button may have a parent which is a child of the window, and we therefore need additional FindWindowEx calls. Feel free to provide a screen shot of your View System windows tree.
Marcus Tettmar
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Post by aux_con » Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:28 pm

Looks like 2 layers are involved here...

//Find the handle of the Take Call Button
//Get left pane handle (child of main window)

//Get button handle (child of left pane)

The weird part of this is that I could not see the leftpane handle in the tree with the built in tool... I used SPY++ and then I was able to see that the target was indeed a child of the leftpane control.

Thanks for the great tip!
(btw My test team is loving this tool... Kudos!)

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