Second newbie question

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Second newbie question

Post by adunaway » Wed Sep 06, 2006 3:39 pm

I am trying to use the GetCheckBox function. The function keeps returning a -1 code indicating an error.

I believe (but am not sure) this is because the object_caption contains the letters "Non" which is also a system word that turns the number lock on.

When I ran the script in debugger, the "Non" appeared in blue text, while the rest of it appeared black. Only commands appear in blue, this is why I think this is the problem. Is there a way to let the application know that "non" is a literal piece of text and not a function/command?

here is the script...

GetCheckBox>Order Processing,Non-Interrupted Mode,res
SetCheckBox>Order Processing,Non-Interrupted Mode,FALSE
SetCheckBox>Order Processing,Non-Interrupted Mode,TRUE

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Wed Sep 06, 2006 3:48 pm

In this context it makes no difference - ignore the colour. Non will be treated as part of the string here, so don't worry about that. That isn't the problem.

The fact is that GetCheckBox is not always able to work. A whole host of technical reasons means there can be no guarantee.

However, you may have missed the accelerator key. One of the characters in the caption may be underlined when you hit the ALT key? Which one is it. This one needs to be preceeded with the & character. E.g. if N is underlined when you press ALT you need to enter:

GetCheckBox>Order Processing,&Non-Interrupted Mode,res

If this doesn't help you could send us a screen shot. Also use Tools/View System Windows tool to see what the object classes and captions are.
Marcus Tettmar |

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Post by yodrako » Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:30 pm


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