macro to click mouse button help

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macro to click mouse button help

Post by johnyboy73 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:04 pm

Looking to make a mouse button clicking macro ( yes i am new lol :P )

wont work to just hold the mouse button down but if it can toggle like a rapid fire controler does should work thx

if ya need to email me feel free ty

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Post by pgriffin » Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:24 pm

I understand that you are new so let me give you some tips about posting before I get to your question.

Give as many details as possible.

1. Your OS (Win XP Pro, etc...)
2. Your application (a Windows app, Internet site, Java based, etc....)
3. What are you trying to accomplish? not just one focused task, but what do you wish to accomplish with your entire MacroScript. Many times this forum provides ideas for accomplishing the same outcome with a better method than you had envisioned.
4. Include the code you have started to write. Don't be shy about posting code you think is poorly written. Everyone starts somewhere. We all started not knowing much. I learn new technique everyday by reading every post on the forum.

Ok, to your question:

If you have a "Windows" app try using the PushButtn> command in MacroScheduler. this command doesn't care where the button is located on the screen.

Of course, you can use the simple


where x,y are the coordinates of the button to click. This method is sometimes tricky to use if the window ever opens in a different screen location than when you wrote the script.

Let's try these methods first, then, if needed, we can look at using WebRecorder (if it is browser based) or at using Image Recognition Library (if the button/window info is not available to us).

Could you post as much of the requested information as possible?


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Post by Bob Hansen » Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:08 pm

Good suggestions above from SkunkWorks, one more to add:

SetFocus>WindowName* is usually needed before using any mouse/keyboard types of commands to make sure they are being sent to the correct window. Will only need once as long as you don't change focus. You can find many examples in scripts here on the forum
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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