Recording a Macro

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Recording a Macro

Post by srdiamond » Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:37 pm

I'm new to macros. I thought I would check out Macro Scheduler because of its purported ease of use, its ability to record just about anything correctly.

I had a macro in mind, and I simply tried to record it. My embarrassingly primitive question is, 'Why did nothing happen on playback?'

The macro I wanted to record is for a tiresome procedure I'm obliged to do whenever I restart the computer, if I want the appearance settings I like: to set the page color values I prefer in Control Panel/Display/Appearance/Advanced/More advanced controls. In that dialog I must click on the graphical page display, insert the values I want, then discharge the series of dialog boxes. Intuitively, it would seem to me the perfect event for a macro, in that it uses the common Windows controls in a stereotyped fashion, but is lengthy enough to be a hassle.

So, I click on Record, supply the macro name, and start. Run through this series of steps, click ctrl-alt es. Then I click on the macro's name in the list and give the command to run. A message appears at the top of my screen telling me the macro is running. Nothing else happens.

Is there a simple answer to why this didn't work? How much more is required?

Stephen R. Diamond

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Post by JRL » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:24 pm

Then I click on the macro's name in the list and give the command to run. A message appears at the top of my screen telling me the macro is running. Nothing else happens.
I suspect that the Macro Scheduler menu is in the way of your mouse clicks so you're not seeing what you expect to see.

Try this instead and see if the macro runs properly.

In the Macro Scheduler main menu, double click the macro you recorded. A window should pop up with the heading "Macro". Select the "Hot Key" tab. Check the box to assign a hot key combination to the recorded macro. Once you've selected a hot key combination, Pick OK to close the window and then minimise the Macro Scheduler main menu. (Be sure you minimise and not close Macro Scheduler.) Execute your hot keys and see if the recorded macro runs properly.

Good Luck,

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