stacking code

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stacking code

Post by Guardian » Wed Apr 13, 2005 6:34 pm

is it now or will it ever be possible to stack multiple command on a single line in macro programming?

such as:



Let>variable_name=value : Let>variable_name=value
Let>variable_name=value : Let>variable_name=value

or to possibly continue one long command on two seperate lines to see the full command without needing to scroll over.

such as:

if>{(variable01) or (variable02) or (variable03) or (variable04) and (variable05) or (variable06) or (variable07) and (variable08) or (variable09) = variable10,start


if>{(variable01) or (variable02) or (variable03) or (variable04) and (variable05)_
or (variable06) or (variable07) and (variable08) or (variable09) = variable10,start

Those two abilities are exactly the same as i know visual basic allows in its code. The code stacking I think would be great. It would fill up much more white space and not require us to scroll down so much on the bigger programs.

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