Can you please help me with this MacroScheduler-related boot problem? My pc is Pentium III with Windows98 OS. My internet connection is via cable. I am using MS 5.1.1.
1. On boot, after my desktop of icons appears, my pc is not functional for about two minutes.
2. At the end of that period I get an InternetExplorer –type screen, titled Macro Scheduler with this in the Address slot:
C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\Macro Scheduler
The screen itself shows four icons of MS modules:
Macro Scheduler Help
Remove MacroScheduler
Script Editor
3. Only after I close the screen (by clicking the X in the upper right corner) can I actually use my pc, e.g. activate WORD or the IE icon.
What is going on here? How can I eliminate this two minute “hold?â€Â
MS-related boot problem
Moderators: Dorian (MJT support), JRL
This is a bit bizarre!
What is in your Startup folder? Is there a shortcut in there? Sounds like there is a shortcut to the Macro Scheduler Program Group. If so, I'd delete it. Certainly something in Startup is causing an Explorer Window to pop up in the Macro Scheduler program group.
What is in your Startup folder? Is there a shortcut in there? Sounds like there is a shortcut to the Macro Scheduler Program Group. If so, I'd delete it. Certainly something in Startup is causing an Explorer Window to pop up in the Macro Scheduler program group.
MJT Net Support
[email protected]
[email protected]
Support: I did remove the shortcut to MS and that window no longer pops up. Still it takes what seems like a long (longer) time after the icons appear before my pc is really ready to run. I think I must have too many programs in my StratUp folder. Or it may be that something has caused my pc to respond slowly to tasks; that seems to be the case.
I will continue to explore. Thanks for your help.
I will continue to explore. Thanks for your help.