WaitPixelColor problem

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Pro Scripter
Posts: 71
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:19 am

Post by JRS » Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:40 pm

Hello Rain, Me Again, All ....

Rain, thanks again for your Page Down solution but I don't see
how it can work in this particular instance. A part of the problem
is/could be I incorrectly described the functionality of the http://www.betfair.com
frame but even so that should not negate your "Page Down" solution
versus my clicking of the slide par to effect an equivalent Page Down.

Let me explain if I could.

If you bring up http://www.betfair.com the left hand frame will be "All
Markets" by default.

Select: Horse Racing - Today's Card (by Left Mouse click)

A new frame with pretty much the same coordinates/location will
appear titled: Horse Racing - Todays Card

A list of relatively many Horse races will show in the frame extending
past the bottom of the window. You can use the slide bar to see
all the races or click on the light gray track for an effective Page Down.

On sliding the mouse cursor over the different races they will not
automatically change to aqua-marine just from the presence of the
mouse cursor on the race cell. To get the aquamarine you have to
"proactively" select the race. So when I select the race and the
cell turns aquamarine I know where the next race is by the first
instance of pixel white color in a progressive GetPixelColor going
down from whatever relative current position I'm at in the window
(aquamarine). So when I first start scanning I make an initial selection.

Now I've tried all kinds of combinations of setting my window focus
(not with Macro Scheduler but manually) and for the life of me I
cannot get do a Page Down by pressing Page Down (what I'd
like to do) to get the frame to Page Down ... except by clicking the
light gray slide bar track (i.e. not on the dark gray slide bar button)

I'm just wondering how you got the web page/ web page frame in
such a state where a Page Down is viable. I know this may seem
like a moot or unimportant issue to dwell on but in terms of efficiency,
elegance and more reliable robot function "little" things like this make
a huge cumulative difference. I think from your robot programming
experience you'd agree.

Thanks Again,


Pro Scripter
Posts: 71
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:19 am

Post by JRS » Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:32 pm

I think what is especially heartening about using Macro Scheduler
is that with it's rich command set I'm seeing more often then not
there'll be a way to reach your robot objective and even though the
solution you came up with may not be the most elegant or efficient,
it'll suffice until you find a better one. Again I really wanted to
thank everybody on this forum for your help and with my pixel
color inquiry (Rain, Me Again et. al.) and just in general sharing
coding etc.

Even though the current solution as I mentioned doesn't
seem to work for me (for some reason or other) in this certain
instance or implementation, that is not to say it won't in another
down the road.

I think what really makes Macro Scheduler so great is not the product alone but the people involved with it as it takes time to come to
do the coding and the sincere efforts to help in this forum.



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