Windows 98 or XP?

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Windows 98 or XP?

Post by Dave » Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:17 am

I am going to attempt an experiment, I am going to be installing either 98 or XP on CF for my new computer. When I install MS on the machine would it be adviseable to do the install before or after installing 98 or XP to the CF? I think it should work either way but I thought I should anyways. BTW CF meaning compact flash.


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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:33 pm


At first I thought you meant you wanted to install Macro Scheduler on the operating system that you will put on the CF. But that would be silly because the only way to do that would be to install the OS first.

So I'm guessing you mean you will have a second OS on the CF and Macro Scheduler on the host. Well it should make no difference but I've never tried installing an OS on a CF, so couldn't say for sure. Try it!

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Post by Dave » Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:38 pm

LOL ... Sorry about that I will clarify. When you for example put an operating system on a DVD you are sort of taking a snapshot of an installation already on the harddrive but with one key difference. The burned operating system must either be told to have the operating system registry in a ram drive or you must have an program that eliminates writes to certain system files. No matter what you do or where you go on the net, and possibly install on your computer such as viruses, trojans, etc, etc. All you half to do is hit reset and the computer will always boot up that original image. You can still read and write files to your harddrive. My question would be should I install Macro Scheduler on the original read only image or install it later on the harddrive?
I already have an install of Windows 98 I have done on CDthats what I am writing this message with :shock: . Everything seems to work ok, in a few days I will try XP when I have more time 8) .

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