WebRecorder/IEAuto.dll - Help please

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WebRecorder/IEAuto.dll - Help please

Post by Danish_Ken » Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:15 am

Hi Gurus,

A bit new to writing macros in browser environments, so have been searching through all forums, but can't find answers to following:

:?: 1) Is there a full List/Help file with all library functions available with IEAuto.dll

:?: 2) Can you control two browsers, simultaneously

Capture values from list in Browser1
Use values in other program
Feed new values into Browser2

:?: 3) Can you "assume" control of already open Browsers?
as in:


creates a new browser window.
How would you gain control of a browser window which has already been authenticated/logged in to an expected page.

:?: 4) Does IEAuto.dll just work with IE, or can it reference "Default Browser" such as Netscape, CrazyBrowser etc?

Any help appreciated

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Post by support » Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:14 am

1. I have uploaded a text file with details of the functions available in IEAuto.DLL to:

2. Yes, you can control more than one instance of IE.

3. You can usually only control instances that you create. However, you could try the WaitNewIE function.

4. IEAuto.DLL interfaces only with Internet Explorer via Internet Explorer's Document Object Model and will therefore not work with non IE based browsers.
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Post by drjekyll » Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:00 am

Upon WebRecorder startup I type a new URL (the "h" vanishes from "http"), press Enter and receive an Access Violation error (twice). :shock:

Running MS 7.4.008, IE 6.0.2.....

What next? :?:

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Post by support » Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:44 pm

I think the drill down is acting up a bit.

I think what happens is first time you hit 'h' it drills down to the first item in the history list that matches (starts with an h). Let it do that and then start typing again. Effectively it seems you need to type the h twice .. with a short delay between each.

We'll improve it ... in the mean time just slow down a bit - let it drill down and then type the address again. Sorry about that.

Alternatively, skip the http:// part - as that is added automatically. Just type http://www.whatever....

Not sure what the AV error is though. I tried navigating to 'h' and it didn't cause an AV in my case.
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