IE interaction / portal user creation

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IE interaction / portal user creation

Post by stlmatt » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:49 pm

I would like to start by stating that I have never worked with macros before, but have searched through this forum for examples before asking questions, so please dont flame me for asking an obvious question.

I am trying to create a macro that will be able to create over 800 users manually into a web portal(for which the source is not accessable) and do so by pulling required fields from an Excel spreadsheet.

I would appreciate it immensely if someone would be kind enough to point me in the direction of some script examples or documentation that would help me in the creation of this script.


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Post by support » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:59 pm

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Post by stlmatt » Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:37 pm

Thanks for the links, though i had already found the code, but the webrecorder was what i was missing.

I ran the web recorder, and ran into the following error in two areas, which cause me to have to terminate the program:

Could not obtain OLE control window handle.

I click ok, and it continues to pop-up, not allowing me to do anything.

Aside from this error, I take it that the script created by the webrecorder would be used as a sub routine to be called on by outside logic that reads through each row in my excel spreadsheet? I have not tried to create this piece yet, but wanted to confirm this before continuing, and also determine if the error I am receiving is going to be a problem.


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Post by support » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:56 pm

When did this error occur? Which version of Windows are you using and what exact version of IE do you have?

As for how you use the code created I can't really answer that on the basis of what little I know about what you wish to achieve. I guess you will probably need to parameterise the input and may wish to create a subroutine which is called inside a loop which reads in the data from Excel.
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Post by stlmatt » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:08 pm

IE vers. 6.0.2900.2180
XP Professional SP2

The error occurs when I am recording the macro, and use pop-up windows. I enter data, click a link which opens a pop-up window in which I specify additional information, and click OK, or finished, etc. After clicking the OK, is when it errors out.

What I am going to attempt to do is take the script it has generated thus far, and piece together the rest manually to see if it will work. I do not think that it needs to know how the browser is communicating to my webserver, but rather just know how to react to the active windows and what to expect. On one of those 2 errors, the user was created and it went back to where it should have, and acted like it should have, but for some reason threw that error. I checked, and the user was created, and everything related looked fine. The first error is when trying to select a security group for that user, which I need to figure out how to get around. Mostly, I do not understand why I get this error.

I will try and patch together the IE script to test that indivitually for one user to see if it works before creating the main script which will call the IE script from within a for loop. That is how I am approaching this at the moment, and will post my progress.

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