Login Script

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Login Script

Post by gordonisnz » Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:01 pm

Ps this is NOT for users to 'log in' toMY website.

I'm wondering if there is a BEGINNERS tutorial to do the following

1 :- "Get" a website content - from another website...

2 :- Detect if it is a 'login' page....
(if its already logged-in, Then i'll assume step 4 is already done)

3 :- If not logged-in - Then log-in using the POST method (not get)...
(IE send my user-name / password by the POST method)

4 :- retrieve target page

- eg - Instead of "me" as the web-browser, My script is the "person" browsing a page...

Things I dont already know :-

:- Storing / detecting cookies set by another website
:- Sending information by POST method (password/username) - not "GET".


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